Coaching with
Amanda Justice

What to expect in Coaching

There is strong evidence that leaders benefit from coaching, reflection and working together with a coach as thinking partner. The overarching goal of the coaching partnership is agreed in the first session and the specific topic to explore will be identified at the beginning of each session. Coaching provides a non-judgmental, confidential space, and time for you to slow down your thinking, and gain new awareness, insights and perspectives. Clients say they particularly appreciate Amanda's calm, authentic, honest style and her supportive challenge.

Coaching with Amanda is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a topic which is important to you in your personal and professional life. Some examples of coaching topics which Amanda has worked on with clients recently are as follows:

Leveraging your strengths

Where did you learn to behave like that?

Building Resilience and Renewing Energy

Leadership Presence and Personal Brand

Setting boundaries and juggling work-life balance

Discovering Your Blind Spots to Become a Better Leader

Finding the Key to Unlock your Potential

What got you here won't get you there

Whats next? Planning the Transition to Retirement

Women Leaders Navigating Transitions at Work

Where can your future career path take you?

Enabling Top Performance and Processing Feedback

My Coaching Perspective


I coach clients privately and within organisations, also via coaching platforms and associate networks.

Holistic, integrated-eclectic approach

My aim is to facilitate the personal and professional development of my clients as well as to increase their readiness, commitment and motivation to be at their best and excel at what they do. I lean towards a humanistic philosophy and aim to continually build and strengthen my holistic, integrated eclectic approach to maximise the options available to my clients. I see no advantage to limit myself or my clients to one or two approaches. For this reason, I draw variously on Humanistic approaches, Positive Psychology, Behavioural, Cognitive-Behavioural, Systemic, and Gestalt approaches, tools and techniques and to a lesser extent, on Biological, Evolutionary and Psychodynamic approaches. 


My motivation is to gain knowledge, insight and wisdom about coaching and to continue to learn and grow. I aim to keep my knowledge up to date with ongoing personal, professional and ethical development and follow the latest coaching research to enhance my performance as a coach practitioner.


Continue to build my reputation and credibility as a coach and coach trainer. I currently have 8 years of coaching experience and am an ICF ACC credentialled coach (since 2020). Further, I aim to continue my work and share my knowledge as a coach educator for novice coaches.


I believe that who we are is how we coach so my values are important indicators of my coaching style. My values are: authenticity, caring, competence, creativity, to be ethical, fairness, flexibility, freedom, growth mindset, honesty, humour, inclusion, integrity, openness, optimism and reliability. I believe in the concept of best self and working from our strengths. I believe we can achieve whatever we want to achieve if we set our mind to it.  I want to help clients to see through different lenses to facilitate better decision-making and enable change. It is important to me that both I and my coachee can be our authentic selves. I want to be open-minded and see the best in people whatever their world view.

Ethical practice

As a credentialled member of the ICF I have committed that my coaching practice abides by the ICF code of ethics (ICF, 2021) which is based on the ICF Core Values of ‘professionalism, collaboration, humanity and equity’ (ICF, 2022).