
Whats next? Planning the Transition to Retirement

Beyond providing you with a pension, retirement is something that surprisingly most companies do not help you prepare for. When the time comes close, everyone starts asking what you will do when you retire and most people are not ready with an answer. Although some people start planning 7-10 years beforehand, others wait until it happens.

Of course retirement doesn't necessarily mean giving up work, but while some people have established hobbies or consider pursuing new interests and occupations, others don't know what they want to do. This can be quite unsettling.

At this time of new beginning, its helpful to have a thinking partner to explore purpose, values and beliefs in order to understand and prioritise your future goals, and while its never too late, its helpful to start planning early so you have something to look forward to. 

Its a window of opportunity.

Our sessions will help you to:

  • gain clarity on your purpose, values and beliefs
  • review your current strengths and skills, and find new areas of learning
  • consider ways to optimise use of your existing resources (e.g. time, energy, health)
  • review your options
  • identify and challenge limiting beliefs and biases about ageing that might prevent you from living life to the full
  • prioritise future goals according to what is most important to you